Salatuk Pro indicates you the Prayer timing, the Mosques near you and the Qibla direction wherever you are and Time 4 Salat and Qibla Connect® Find DirectionThe Salatuk Pro algorithm supports a large Prayer calculation methods adopted by many Muslim countries. Depending on your location, the application choose the appropriate calculation method, Fiqhi school and Adhan and Salaat first and Prayer Times:Azan,Qibla,SalahSalatuk Pro comes to all Muslims with big new features that is needed all the day to all Muslims around the world like :- Displaying Prayer times with a pretty good Islamic theme showing the next prayer and Salaat First - Quibla direction all over the world to mecca and Prayer Times:Azan,Qibla,Salah .- Higri Date .- Flip to slince technology to fast turn azan sound into silent in meetings and Time 4 Salat - Silent during prayer time for 30 minutes with a detailed call list alerting automatically with missed calls during 30 minutes .- Ability to listen only 2 takbera or all the azan sound and Qibla Connect® Find Direction- Prayer Now is well designed with pretty good natural animated scenes with Islamic theme added